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Mahir Wu-2024.4 ©


  • This test consists of 34 items. Each of the first 33 items is worth 1 point, while the 34th item is worth 2 points, making a total of 35 points. In certain circumstances, some answers may be assigned 0.5 points.

  • Each item has only one correct answer. If you believe that an item may have multiple valid answers and it's difficult to determine the optimal choice, you can submit two answers. However, both answers must be accompanied by detailed logical explanations.

  • To ensure fairness in scoring, please complete this test independently. Avoid discussing the test questions with others and refrain from sharing the test with anyone without my permission.

  • This test allows a maximum of 3 submissions. However, for the creation of norms and scales, only data from the first two submissions of each participant will be considered.

  • The grading fee for this test is 8USD/7EUR for the first submission. For subsequent submissions, the grading fee doubles each time, meaning it's 16USD/14EUR for the second submission and 32USD/28EUR for the third submission. Payment can be made via Paypal (account: or other online payment methods available on the testing website.

  • This test recommends using the official answer sheet for answering. If that's not convenient, you can fill in the answers directly into the original question stem or hand-draw the answers. However, when submitting, ensure that all answers are placed in a single complete uncompressed file (image or Word/PDF document).

  • This test is quite challenging, so we hope that before submitting, you thoroughly consider each puzzle. Try not to limit yourself too much by referring excessively to the norms. We hope you find enjoyment in solving the puzzles.

  • After completing the test, please submit the submission sheet.xls and the test answers together to the email You will receive the score report within 15 days.

You can find NORM and STATS here.

Download Mystery.pdfDownload submission sheet.xlsAnswer Sheet.png


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